Filter pad Marchel 2071025 – DN 25 – RP 1"


for gasfilter PS 5 bar (HTB)-PS 16 bar – PS 1 bar-PS 6 bar

شناسه محصول: 1d641807a0e1 دسته: , , , ,

Filtering cartridges / filter mat DN25-RP1″  suitable for filter housing
with flanged connection/threaded connection for the separation
of dirt and dust particles from gases.

for gas filter PS 5 bar (HTB) – PS 16 bar
for gas filter PS 1 bar – PS 6 bar with flanged connection
for gas filter PS 1 bar – PS 5 bar with threades connection

Technical information:

Filter unit: 50 my
PS 5 bar – PS 16 bar
PS 1 bar – PS 6 bar
PS 1 bar – PS 5 bar
PS 1 bar and PS 4 bar
TS: -5°C bis +50°C
TS: -15°C to +80°C
Operating situation (max. m³/h): 35m³/h

Diameter: DN25-RP1″
Height (A): ca. 7,5 cm
Size (B): ca. 13,5 cm
Height (A): approx. 70 mm
Size (B): approx. 140 mm


old number: 400 1025   /   0 400 1025   /   04001025;
207 1025; 0 207 1025; 02071025;
old number: 200 5025   /   0 200 5025   /   02005025   /   2005025;

Suitable for the following filter housing:

255505   /   25 55 05
255504   /   25 55 04
252504   /   25 25 04
255016   /   25 50 16
252016   /   25 20 16
25 50..; 25 55..; 25 25..; 2550..; 2555..; 2525..;
252001   /   25 20 01
252002   /   25 20 02
252004   /   25 20 04
252006   /   25 20 06
25 20..; 2520..;
25 10 01   /   251001
25 10 02   /   251002
25 10 04   /   251004
25 20 16   /   252016
25 10…   /   2510…
25 20…   /   2520…
25 50…   /   2550…
25 55…   /   2555…
25 25…   /   2525…

Brand Reference No.
Marchel 2071025
Marchel 4001025
Marchel 2005025
Marchel 25 55 05
Marchel 25 55 04
Marchel 25 25 04
Marchel 25 50 16
Marchel 25 20 16
Marchel 25 20 01
Marchel 25 20 02
Marchel 25 20 04
Marchel 25 20 06
Marchel 25 10 01
Marchel 25 10 02
Marchel 25 10 04
Marchel 25 20 16

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